Personal Trainer Alex Parsons Reveals How To Take More From Your Workouts

With more and more people taking an active interest in how to take care of themselves both physically and mentally, we spoke to personal trainer Alex Parsons about the do’s and don’ts when it comes to keeping yourself in shape.

From the best ways to warm up, to how to make sure you’re taking the most from your workouts, to how to keep yourself motivated through those long winter days, Alex gives us his professional insight and advice when it comes to your wellbeing.

What are your top 3 warm up exercises to do before lifting weights?

"It's totally dependent on the session, but first of all I think it’s important to do some self massage using a foam roller and some mobility dependent on how the body feels and what session is coming up. Then I'd suggest an activation such as using mini bands pre lowers session." 

And what is the best way to cool down after an intense session?

"Again, I like to use the foam roller and stretch whichever parts of my body I've been working on."


What food do you recommend pre and post workout?

"Pre workout I will always keep it really simple with a banana and a coffee and post workout I opt for the Supreme Nutrition Whey Isolate within 20 minutes of the session ending."

Where are the most inspiring places you’ve worked out?

"In the summer I was lucky enough to travel to LA and Miami to train a client which was amazing!"

What are your top tips for when you’re low on motivation?

"Remember your why! It’s easy to forget why we started when the motivation is low, so have your 'why' written down and keep referring back to it."


What’s the most satisfying thing about your job?

"Seeing people become more and more confident - not only in the gym but outside the gym. The positive psychological effects exercise has on my clients is something that gives me great motivation." 

What does ‘taking more from life’ mean to you?

"Taking more from everything you do in life, whether it’s something as small as appreciating your current surroundings or trying to do something that will have a positive effect on your lifestyle."
